Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thing 7

Again, I've found another tool that I really find useful. I've always heard of the RSS feed, but I never knew how to actually use the feature (hadn't heard of Google Reader before). I find it extremely easy to use; I also like that when I go to subscribe to a particular site, I get information about how many posts there are per week. For example, I almost subscribed to the NPR site until I found out I would receive about 220 posts / week.

I know this tool will be extremely helpful to me professionally. I have such a hard time keeping track of all the blogs that I want to read. This will help me keep organized, and because I won't feel so overwhelmed, I'll actually read them.

I can see using this in the classroom, but in a limited way. It would probably be most helpful if students are researching a current topic for a long period of time. I could also see this working in an elective class. For example, creative writing students could subscribe to writing blogs or to websites that have content about writing contests.

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