Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thing 5

I love Twitter. I just signed up for it, and I can already tell that I am going to use it all the time.

My Twitter name is bridgetwilmot. I am following the ALA, YALSA, and Mary Fons (a local Chicago writer).

Professionally, I see this as a fantastic resource to keep current on what's going on in my field. Logging on to Twitter and checking my account is so much easier than reading journals, visiting websites, etc.

In the future, I am sure I will use this in class. A few ideas might be creative writing posts, or taking a famous character (like Holden Caulfield) and tweeting as he would (although some may say he would never bother to use Twitter in the first place...).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bridget,
    I couldn't find you on Twitter! I searched for your username, but it didn't return any results?? I wonder if you have your privacy settings set so that people can't search for you? Hmm... do you have any other thoughts?
